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@jeffjarvis And you can go back further, of course—to Plato, even—and find people concerned about the effect of communication technologies!

I wonder: Pointing to historical concerns about the effects of new communications technologies doesn't prove it's a mere "moral panic" now. Some historical concerns were probably borne out and others weren't. Similarly, some contemporary concerns are likely to prove well-founded, and others won't be.

Or: Lanier might be right even if Erasmus was wrong.

John West boosted

Appropriate first Mastadon post: (Editor's note: This was my first tweet 11 years ago.)

Here's a fun for y'all. Using Stable Diffusion, a couple home-brewed Python scripts, and Svelte, I illustrated Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself" from LEAVES OF GRASS.

It's not complete yet, but here's a proof of concept:

Each stanza looks like this, in the style of the artist John Singer Sargent.

What should I do with this?

@anfuller yea, that was my temporary fix…

considering writing a play about web3 called waiting for crypdot — is that anything?

@Palazzolo sure sure. anyway, i can't really blame you, since what @adamdavidson & co. are building is really cool, and mine is on a cheapo server barely able to sustain this five-person instance, macgyvered together with duct tape and straws.

@Palazzolo I really like as an instance, but I'm shocked you didn't assume that I was hosting my own. There would have been room for you over at

@virginiaheffernan @Gargron alas, i'll never give up on my american english spellings--these colours don't run No worries! Always worth a shot... Get "everything up to date" alas. Thanks for this! It's not in docker, and I did run that command. I'll re-run now.

Hey I upgraded my servers, and it seemed to break my public profile page... Any thoughts?

@robbarry love peter singer thrown in there, like

1. consequentialism
2. crypto
3. save the world

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!